This photo was taken in 1955 in Peru, by a renowned Chilean photographer named Sergio Larraín. Although this is not one of the best known captures of him, in my opinion, it is one of those that reflects one of the most striking factors of what was the long  work of the artist. Poverty, segregation, homelessness, the forgotten, the dark side of cities, and the most brutal one; homeless children.

 The photograph shows a little girl playing alone, barefoot, sitting on the rocks of the old sidewalk, with no sign of a responsible adult there. The place seems to be an abandoned town, everything is made of mud and soil, there are only two men in the distance, and a dog. The absence of industrialization is evident, but the presence of that lonely girl in such an inhospitable space is much more surprising. So, it could be said that this image reflects in its entirety the “abandonment” .

Also I like how the photographer manages to capture the moments, sitting up and going unnoticed throw the people, and despite the atrocious situations and realities that are photographed, the images obtained can become compositions that are pleasing to the eye, in terms of proportion, light and shade, and, the most difficult to achieve, the distribution of the different elements.



  1. This picture is so shocking, a hard reality :( sometimes we should reflect about this, it´s so sad :( but at the same time is a good picture...

  2. This pictures is good, i like very much the black and white, because i think whit that the picture is more elegant and misterious, is incredible wich was taken in Peru by a Chilean photographer.

  3. Sergio larrain is a wonderfull photographer and this photo is so beautiful. He has some photos in Valparaiso that are beautiful too.


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