I think it is unusual for kids to have dreams or hopes like mature people do. Actually, I don’t really think people’s mind are like that.  I was very creative, but my hopes were always based on have money, Success and being famous. Have a big and a beautiful house was an important goal when I was 11, or things like that. Hahahah I grew up and I saw the real world (climate change, social issues, inequality, etc) it lead up to my  desire to change it. 

The difficult thing about found a career for me was there were few that makes a direct change in society and at the same time I would like to spend time to. I thought about studying art, cinema and theatre, but finally I got interested in becoming an architect. Firstly, I love to creating and drawing, and secondly, how I see it, the best way to change the human life is working where human lives.

Each day my love for the career increases and it lets me improve my social and study abilities. I wander where I should work...because I will not be happy working in a company where I have to work full time. Then I plan to retire when I am 30 jahajajja

Here my first project :(❤️


  1. I like so much your proposite to choose a career <3 your first options were so diferent from Architecture... but interesting too. Regards! PD: Your first proyect is so good! I want to be there hahah <3

  2. I' d never look the things of that way, it's very interesting!, At some time I thing on being architect but I'm so clumsy doing mockups that i would be more in the hospital than in the university xd, I'm hoping seeing more beautifull projects that you make!! <3

  3. i really like the reason about you did choose the carreer, many people just think in money when the world needs willing people to give help the society and make a more egalitarian world. the croquis of your first proyect is so nice! i love the relationship of the spaces, regards!

  4. Wow, you changed a lot your way of thinking while growing up! I really liked what you said about changing lives by working with them


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