

My name is Carla Loyola. I was born the 3rd of January 2003 in Antofagasta. I lived there for 12 years and then I moved to Santiago because of my dad´s work. That was the bigger change my family ever have because our lifestyles changed.

We are three brothers. The youngest brother is called Javier and the older sister called Sandra, I´m the middle son. When we were in Antofagasta we went to traditionals schools, but in Santiago our fathers signed us in a Montessori school, a different way of education that I think built my person, especially on art and humanities.

Today ,and that´s why, I´m studying architecture in the Universidad de Chile, actually in my third year and I love the carrer, I can have the both of artistic and mathematuical. 

But external to my carrer I like to do many difference thinks: Play guitar, sing, draw and dance. I consider myself introverted but also a social person.

I have a cat called Mocca and she is like a son jajajaja

And that is all I have to say


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